Benchmark provides site predictability models, property history research, resource sensitivity modeling, and alternatives analysis for cultural resource studies.

Benchmark Ecological Services, Inc.
Environmental Consulting Solutions.
See Our Environmental ServicesEnvironmental Services We Provide

Environmental Sampling
Benchmark scientists specialize in cost-efficient and reliable sediment, surface soil, surface water, and tissue sampling.

GIS Services
Benchmark is equipped with advanced GIS skills, composed of the latest industry standard software, field DGPS units, and numerous accessory sensors.

Oil & Gas
Benchmark provides environmental support for exploration, upstream & midstream, and production segments of the oil & gas industry.

Threatened & Endangered Species
Benchmark routinely conducts biodiversity studies and threatened and endangered species surveys.

Wetlands & Permitting
Benchmark scientists are experts in the fields of wetland construction, restoration, monitoring, habitat evaluation, delineation, and permitting.

Drone Services
Our state-of-the-art drones can collect high-resolution aerial photos, 4K video, and sub-meter GPS data. Benchmark delivers new perspectives on the obstacles of each project.
Who We Are
Benchmark Ecological Services, Inc. is an environmental consulting company based in Brookshire, Texas, with 45 years in the industry. Our team of scientists at Benchmark have a variety of skills to complete projects with speed and precision.
What We Do
Benchmark offers a wide range of environmental services including wetland delineations, construction and restoration, cultural resource studies, ecological assessment, eco-toxicology, environmental impact assessment, environmental permitting, sampling and analysis studies, habitat assessments, and wildlife studies.
How We Serve You
Benchmark’s primary objective is to provide scientific expertise and regulatory liaison through personalized and focused consulting to industry, municipal managers, and government agencies faced with limited operating budgets and stringent environmental regulations.

Drone Services
Benchmark scientists are licensed by the Federal Aviation Administration to conduct commercial drone surveys in applications including land surveying, habitat mapping, and photo documentation.